About Jason Swingen
JS-Outdoors.com is a blog created and written by Jason Swingen, an avid midwestern outdoorsman. Jason grew up in northeastern Montana hunting mule deer, antelope, grouse, ducks, and pheasants and catching walleye, pike, and perch. Currently living in Duluth, Minnesota, where he fishes for and helps others catch steelhead, trout, salmon, and bass.
Community Involvement
Jason is a board member and email marketer for the State of Minnesota Trout Unlimited. He is also the Vice President of the Gitche Gumee Chapter of Trout Unlimited.
Guest Speaker
He has been a guest speaker for the Arrowhead Fly Fishers, Twin Cities Trout Unlimited, Gitche Gumee Trout Ulimited, and the Minnesota DNR.
Articles and Fly-Tying Tutorials
You can find his informational articles and fly-tying tutorials in recent Minnesota Trout Unlimited Newsletters, Lake Superior Steelhead Association Newsletters, and Minnesota DNR.
Website Design and Development
Recently, he has teamed up with The Fly Fishing Nation to build modern websites for fly fishing clubs, and guides all over the world. You can view the latest websites he has built for the Norwegian Flyfishers Club at nfc-online.com, and the Agua Boa Amazon Lodge at amazonaguaboalodge.com. You can view more of his work at jasonswingen.com.
Fly Fishing Guide
A fly fishing guide for Namebini, Jason primarily guides for steelhead, brook trout, and smallmouth bass in Northern Minnesota and Northern Wisconsin.